I Am One: A Book of Action by Susan Verde

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I Am One: A Book of Action

"How do I make a difference?

It seems like a tall order for one so small.

But beautiful things start with just One."

Susan Verde's "I am:" range is a collection we had to include in the Little Big Library, "I Am One" being no exception. To quote her inside blurb - "One seed to start a garden, one note to start a melody, one brick to start breaking down walls: Every movement and moment of change starts with purpose, with intention, with One. With me. With you."

Our Little Big is only 6 and already feels the weight of the World. Example: we've had in depth discussions about why our car isn't electric because didn't we know that petrol is so bad for the environment? Information is so very accessible for our children and as parenting styles and generations evolve, so too does the extent to which they are exposed to life in all its glory and all its grim. 

"I Am One" encourages a balanced step towards change. We are never too small to effect change, on our own, in our way. Yet there is also a way to do so that collaborates with others, where we can each take our own steps together, where this is power in our own abilities and in the knowledge that we are not alone in what feels monstrously larger than.

Like all of the "I Am" books, "I Am One" is suitable for all ages however we do feel that this one is particularly beneficial for those Bigger Little Bigs who really feel the weight of the World in that crushing way that sensitive souls do. Especially for these readers  the powerful self-reflection activity and guided meditation might be of benefit and can be revisited at any time of overwhelm. 


Book Highlights & Information

☆ Suitable for all ages, 6 months+ 

☆ Beautiful hardback cover

☆ 32 pages of gender-neutral, stunning illustrations and affirmation-style language

☆ Includes guided meditation and self reflection activity by yoga-trained author


Our Real Kid Reviews are brought to you by some special friends of Little Big, aged 2yrs - 10yrs old.

If you have a little reader who wants their book review featured, let us know!

Here's what was said about I Am One: A Book of Action by Susan Verde...

Name: Haize

Age: 6 years old

Story Rating: 5/5

Picture Rating: 5/5

Haize: "Sometimes it's hard Mum. Because I can make change like today I planted those seeds remember but tonight I am tired, can we have chocolate milk before bed"

Susan Verde lives in New York City where she trained as a teacher before funnelling her passions into yoga-training. This is absolutely reflected in her writing style, with affirmation style text spoken in first person, a subtle and very clever way to plant a healthy voice of calm in our Little Bigs as they internalise the emotive concepts. Many of Susan's books including the "I Am" collection are in collaboration with artist Peter H Reynolds. Our favourite thing about his style is the balance between colourful, eye catching illustrations and gender-neutral, physical inclusivity.

Fun fact: "I Am One" was inspired by a quote from the Dalai Lama: Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into the water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.

This children's book measures: 20.96 x 1.27 x 21.21

Number of pages: 32

Age recommendation: Suitable for ages 0 - 6