You have probably noticed already that we have a bit of a thing for Mother Earth around here. Sustainability is one of our core values. We work towards a sustainable future by choosing what's best for the earth - over what's best for our business's bottom line.
But what does it actually mean to put the planet before profit?
Well, the answer is quite literal. We don’t hike our prices to cover the cost of our environmental impact initiatives.
The things we do to make a difference and offset our business's footprint,
we pay for out of our pocket, not yours.
This is what what you've helped us achieve to date...
We remove a plastic bottle from the ocean for every order that is made

For every $75 that goes through our store we also plant a tree
We choose the most viably sustainable materials even when cheaper not-so-earth-friendly options are available

We only use recycled, reused or earth-friendly packaging materials.
This includes the landfill biodegradable sticky tape, pallet wrap & glue we use to package & send our products
We only use carbon neutral shipping partners to courier our products around Australia

You can see the exact impact your order will make each time you shop with us via the impact widget found across the store