Learning Towers are safe when used under adult supervision and the Little Big user is a competent stander. You can read the full safety instructions here.
No-one knows your Little Big person like you do. If your small human is a climber, then you might find that they similarly try to climb in/out of the tower when you aren't prepared.
Having said this, we have found that the urge to climb is often just to see what YOU are doing! As the Learning Towers provide a safe platform to observe the world at your height, we have been told by happy buyers that serial-climbers are calmer once in the Tower and can see exactly what's going on at the kitchen bench.
Regardless, we insist on arms-length supervision at all times when the Tower is in use.
All Towers come with removable chalkboard which doubles as a backing once the Little Big user is safely on the platform and Towers are only to be used against a kitchen or bathroom bench to ensure 4-sided safety.